Mastering Basic Climbing Techniques for Beginners at Velocity Climbing Miami
This guide will introduce you to some fundamental climbing techniques that will serve as the foundation for your climbing journey.
Understanding Climbing Grades: A Quick Reference
Whether you’re a seasoned climber or just starting your ascent, understanding climbing grades is key to unlocking your climbing journey.
Choosing the Right Climbing Gym: Find Your Perfect Climbing Fit in Miami
This guide will help you navigate the world of climbing gyms and point you towards the perfect place to unleash your inner rockstar
Essential Indoor Climbing Gear: A Complete Checklist
Having the right gear is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience. This checklist will ensure you have everything you need!
Optimal Grip: Understanding Chalk in Indoor Climbing
What exactly is chalk’s role in indoor climbing? Let’s explore the science behind this climber’s favorite powder.